How to Get Rid of Armadillos

According to a study in Florida this method has proved useful in preventing armadillos from entering residential areas. Armadillos are not fond of garlic as the pungent smell irritates them. Growing garlic plants around your property perimeter can be a good deterrent for armadillos. Armadillos feed on insects, snails, leeches, earthworms and other small creatures. Apart from that they also eat fruit when they find them.

There are plenty of people who claim that mothballs are an effective repellent for armadillos, but these are also usually ineffective. Killing armadillos may be your last and only solution to ridding your yard of this nocturnal pest. These animals are so focused on their search for food they notice little else, including flashlights and people! If you choose this method of getting rid of armadillos, make sure you check local ordinances governing the use of firearms and weapons.

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To trap the animal successfully, you must first establish the time of the day or night that the pest comes out of its burrow. Motion-activated sprinklers can be used to scare away armadillos from your yard or property. Once it detects motion the sprinkler will shoot a jet of water. In addition, some motion-activated sprinklers make noises too.The water coupled with the noises is sure to scare the armadillos away. These sprinklers need to be placed at strategic locations like burrow entrances, property entry points and around the perimeter of your property.

You know, the same kinds of insects that armadillos love to snack on. They particularly like to forage for food when it’s darker out. Thus, they may stay away from a property if they never get this opportunity.

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Armadillos are brownish in color and range in sizes from 6 inches long to 5 feet long . Armadillos, like pangolins, are unique animals that have natural armor. The Coronavirus pandemic brought the world to a standstill. It became impossible for everyone to step out of their house and live their routine life.

Another reason to keep an eye on the armadillo’s activities is to make sure it doesn’t make a home on your land. This might be an issue if it attracts other armadillos to your property or if it becomes the breeding ground for the present invader’s children. You’ll also want to get rid of the armadillo’s former habitat so that subsequent visitors aren’t enticed. You may achieve this by installing cameras or just monitoring the armadillo from afar when you realize it’s moving.


The size of the armadillos goes from 25 to 45 inches long. They are depicted by a pointed nose, a long head, four short legs, and little swollen eyes. In all honesty, they look fundamentally as old as, solidly related cousins. The Outdoor Solar Powered Ultrasonic Armadillo Repeller will arrive at your doorstep in just a few days if you order today. And it does all of this with the help of sunlight instead of batteries. While few in species, venomous snakes can do more than causing a painful bite, they also cost you thousands in medical bills.

It may even increase its burrowing activity for a few days after it realizes that it is time to move on to another foraging spot. You wouldn’t want your children or pets to come in contact with rabies or other infectious diseases through bacteria contamination. Therefore, it’s important to sanitize the yard thoroughly as soon as you’ve evicted the unwelcome guests. Armadillos leave a trail of urine and feces all around your garden to mark their territory.

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This method is very dangerous, as the animal has sharp claws, which can be used for retaliation. Always make sure to wear gloves, while handling these animals. If you still want to try this method, catch the armadillo by its tail, and hold it away from you. When in doubt, don’t be afraid to contact local animal control, who can trap and remove the armadillos safely.

However, as the weather warms, their active period may go from late evening into early night. While not as big of a problem in South America, it’s clear that only a few nine-banded armadillos migrated into the US due to the relatively small variations in their genes. As such, any genetic disorders that are passed down will affect all four young, which can increase the likelihood of such defects becoming more widespread. These little guys are among the largest armadillos, measuring up to 42 inches long, with half of that being tail, and around 9.8 inches tall. While most will only weigh a little over 14 pounds, the largest can weigh as much as 22 pounds.

How to Drive an Armadillo Out of a Burrow

They’re not aggressive, but if you startle them, they might startle you back by leaping up to 4 feet in the air. They spend most of their time on their own, only meeting with others to mate or stay warm. For the insects themselves, you can use a broad-spectrum insecticide for across-the-board control or eco-friendly beneficial nematodes to get rid of grubs. You’ve got the critter in your cage, now what are you supposed to do with it.

how to get rid of armadillos home remedies

Unfortunately, the best method to stop armadillos from entering your yard is not only the most expensive, but might also be the least attractive. Armadillos are loners and like to quietly wander about in the yard foraging for insects and freshwater without anyone disturbing them. Keep in mind that these critters are wild animals and may infect humans with diseases like rabies or leprosy. If you trap an armadillo, always wear gloves to protect your skin before releasing them in the wild. For all the tips and tricks shared, experience tells us that the use of a large cage trap to remove the animal is the most effective and humane treatment. Backed up by ultrasonic repellent devices to keep them outside of your property perimeter.

Their tendency to carry diseases like leprosy is another reason armadillos are labeled as pests. Controlling them becomes important and for that, we have listed the methods above. The strong smell will deter the armadillos from coming again. Cayenne pepper has a pungent scent and is recommended for this method as it is easily available. The trap needs to be placed near the armadillo’s burrow in the path where the animal walks. Bait food is not required as armadillos always dig for their own food.

how to get rid of armadillos home remedies


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